Snow transforms Romania's Carpathians into a whole different realm. Explore the fairy-tale landscapes at your own pace, by choosing one of the winter programs we organize - snowshoeing, ski touring or free touring – adapted to your desired level.
Polish group in Fagaras Mountains — February
Exploring new tracks in Maramures Mountains, the Houtsoul summer lodges in Farcau Massif — February
Guide Andrei on the NE couloir of Tapu Mare Peak — February
Guide Nicu being very happy for some reason, Maramures Mountains — February
Beautiful day in Fagaras Mountains — March
Fagaras Mountains in March
Nicu mountain guide & ski instructor doing some research in Rodna Mountains
Negoiasa Peak, following a cold snowfall — February 2023
Avalanche workshop with our adventure manager
Reaching the main ridge of Rodna Mountains near Laptelui Peak, for the third descent of the day — January 2023
Heading for the ridge, Rodna Mountains — February
Launching from Galatului Peak, Rodna Mountains — February
Our guides are highly educated in the field, they are professional mountain guides and ski instructors with solid experience, totally capable to guide you to the best experience you can have, in the safest and most enjoyable way.